When might I need cosmetic periodontal surgery?
When someone meets you for the first time, one of the main aspects of your appearance that they will hone in on is your smile! It used to be that those with imperfect smiles could not resolve their imperfections unless they could afford expensive cosmetic dentistry. Fortunately, today, cosmetic treatments are not only for the Hollywood elite but for everyday men and women just like you! With cosmetic treatments, you can address imperfections of the smile, including poor gum alignment or contours. Drs. Chris and Robin Post of Centre Place Dental in Lincoln, Nebraska, are dedicated professionals who can help with deciding if cosmetic periodontal surgery or gum surgery is necessary for your smile.
Do I need periodontal gum surgery?
Imperfections of the smile can be skillfully addressed with today’s choices for cosmetic dentistry. This includes issues with the gums, including uneven gum lines, elongated teeth, or even a gummy smile. Drs. Chris and Robin Post listen to patients who have imperfections and help them decide if periodontal gum surgery is the solution for their individual needs. Under the care of a referred periodontist, the gum tissues can be sculpted to improve the balance of the smile, ensuring gum tissue and natural tooth enamel is in harmony for the best possible appearance. Sculpting the gums with cosmetic periodontal surgery is easy with the advanced technologies used in these practices, including dental lasers. With lasers, a periodontist can cut or contour the gums based on the patient’s unique needs to achieve the best aesthetic balance!
How much does periodontal gum surgery cost?
The periodontist that performs your procedure will work with you to determine if any dental insurance benefits can be used to perform periodontal surgery, though many cosmetic or “elective” treatments are not often covered. The professionals we recommend offer convenient payment plans and financing options to ensure you can afford your treatment.
Find out more about aesthetic periodontal surgery!
If you are interested in determining if cosmetic gum surgery is appropriate for you, call our team at Centre Place Dental in Lincoln, NE, at (402) 438-5000. We have a team of skilled dental professionals who offer a variety of solutions for your teeth and gums. We can provide referrals to periodontal professionals in the community who can perform this treatment and ensure beautiful and reliable results! Our office is located at 144 North 44th Street, Suite F, and is open to new patients and families.Â