Visit a dentist for nightguards and sports guards

Nightguards and mouthguards are commonly available with dental providers to help with a wide range of concerns. At Centre Place Dental in Lincoln, Nebraska, Drs. Chris and Robin Post offer several different oral appliances to address a selection of issues that can be improved with nightguards and mouthguards. Understanding the benefits of these appliances is the first step in deciding if they will benefit you!

What types of mouthguards are used at Centre Place Dental?

Lincoln, Nebraska, area patients can ask about the following appliances available with our team:

  • Mouthguards for grinding teeth. Patients diagnosed with bruxism may experience damage to the smile due to clenching and grinding that happens while they sleep. Wearing a mouthguard for sleeping can protect the teeth from experiencing breakage or wear from this condition.
  • Mouthguards for obstructive sleep apnea. Patients diagnosed with this condition, known as obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA, may be seeking an alternative to the traditional CPAP machine. With oral appliance therapy, individuals with obstructive sleep apnea can curb the symptoms of this condition by wearing a custom mouthguard worn at night to maintain open airways.
  • Mouthguards for sports. Patients active in high-impact or high-contact sports will want to talk to our doctors about obtaining a custom mouth protector to wear during these activities to protect the teeth and gums. Blows to the mouth can cause cuts in the soft tissues or even knocked-out teeth, so our team highly recommends being proactive in protecting the smile. Many sports, like football, soccer, and ice hockey, require participants to wear mouthguards.

Learn more about nightguards and sports guards at Centre Place Dental!

Drs. Chris and Robin Post and our team are here to help patients achieve and maintain oral health and wellness, and with the use of nightguards and sports guards, patients can protect their smile and overall health! If you need a personal, custom mouthguard and live in Lincoln, NE, call the office at (402) 438-5000 to request a visit with our team. The office is located at 144 North 44th Street, Suite F, and accepts new patients.